Lecture slides and Publications

  1. Comparison of Two Methods for Determination of Crystal Orientation
    Using Two Kikuchi Pairs in Electron Diffraction Patterns
    X.-Z. Li, Micron 176 (2024) 103549.
    50 days' free access BY CLICKING ON THIS LINK before December 01, 2023
  2. Lecture slides on the introduction of Landyne software suite [ Download (中文)]
  3. An Interactive Simulation and Visualization Tool for Conventional
    and Aberration-corrected Transmission Electron Microscopy
    X.-Z. Li, Microscopy Today, Nov.-Dec. issue (2022) 20-27.
  4. SAKI, software for simulation and analysis of Kikuchi patterns
    X.-Z. Li, Journal of Chinese Microscopy Society, 04 (2021) 398-405.
  5. On precise determination of crystal orientation with Kikuchi pattern
    X.-Z. Li, Journal of Materials Education, 42:1-2 (2020) 97-104.
  6. SVAT4 – a computer program for crystal structure visualization and analysis
    X.-Z. Li, J. Appl. Cryst. 53(2020) 848-853
  7. SAED3: simulation and analysis of electron diffraction patterns
    X.-Z. Li, Microscopy and Analysis, May issue (2019) 16-19.
  8. TEMUC3, a computer program for unit-cell determination of crystalline phases in TEM experiments.
    X.-Z. Li, Micron 117 (2019) 1–7.
  9. A Real-Time Logging System for Managing Multiuser Equipment.
    X.-Z. Li, Microscopy Today (2018). January issure, 2-4.
  10. SPICA - Stereographic Projection for Interactive Crystallographic Analysis.
    X.-Z. Li, J. Appl. Cryst. 49 (2016) 1818-1826.
  11. Landyne - a software suite for electron diffraction simulation and analysis.
    X.-Z. Li, Microscopy and Microanalysis, suppl. S3; Cambridge 22 (Jul 2016) 564-565.
  12. JECP/QSAED, a Computer Program for Quantification of SAED Patterns.
    X.-Z. Li, Microsc. Microanal. 20S3 (2014) 1486-1487.
  13. QPCED2.0: A computer program for processing and quantification of polycrystalline electron diffraction patterns.
    X.-Z. Li, J. Appl. Cryst. 45 (2012) 862-868.
  14. Software Design for Simulation and Analysis of Electron Diffraction Patterns.
    X.-Z. Li, Microsc. Microanal. 18S2, (2012) 1262-1263.
  15. Processing and Quantification of Polycrystalline Electron Diffraction Patterns.
    X.-Z. Li, Microsc. Microanal. 17 (S2), 1096 (2011).
  16. PCED2.0 - A computer program for advanced simulation of polycrystalline electron diffraction pattern.
    X.-Z. Li, Ultramicroscopy 110 (2010) 297-304.
  17. On Geometrical Interpretation of the Formation of Holz Lines.
    X.-Z. Li, The Journal of Materials Education 29 (3-4) (2007) 177-186.
  18. JECP-a Java Electron Crystallography Project.
    X.-Z. Li, Microscopy Today, 14 (2006) 32-34.
  19. A General Approach to Unit-cell Determination in Electron
    X.-Z. Li, Microsc. Microanal. 12S2 (2006) 1690-1691.
  20. JECP/HOLZ - an interactive computer program for simulation of HOLZ pattern.
    X.-Z.Li, J. Appl. Cryst. 38 (2005) 576-577.
  21. Computer programs for unit-cell determination in electron diffraction experiments.
    X.-Z. Li, Ultramicroscopy 102 (2005) 269-277.
  22. JECP/SP - a computer software for stereographic projection, featured with functions for specimen orientation adjustment using TEM holders.
    X.-Z. Li, J. Appl. Cryst. 37 (2004) 506-507.
  23. JECP/PCED - a computer program for simulation of polycrystalline electron diffraction patterns and phase identification.
    X.-Z. Li, Ultramicroscopy 99 (2004) 257-261.
  24. JECP/ED - a computer program for simulation of selected-area and precession electron diffraction patterns.
    X.-Z. Li, J. Appl. Cryst. 36 (2003) 956.


  1. A TEM study of Fe3+x Co3-xTi2 (x = 0, 1, 2, 3) intermetallic alloys
    X.-Z. Li et. al., Materials Characterization, 194 (2022) 112366.
  2. Modulated structure derived from the XA-type Mn2RuSn
    X.-Z. Li et. al., Acta Cryst. B78 (2022) 485-489.
  3. Quasicrystalline phase and crystalline approximant in Ni–Mn–In Heusler
    X.-Z. Li et. al., Intermetallics, 119 (2020) 106703 .
  4. New Heusler compounds in Ni-Mn-In and Ni-Mn-Sn alloys
    X.-Z. Li et. al., Scientific Reports (Physical Sciences), 9 (2019) 7762 .
  5. Structural investigation of phase segregation in Mn2CrGa-based alloys
    X.-Z. Li et al., Acta Materialia, 140 (2017) 188-195
  6. Electron diffraction study of the orthorhombic Hf-Co phase
    X.-Z. Li et al., Intermetallics, 75 (2016) 54-61.
  7. Zr2Co11 orthorhombic phase revisited
    X.-Z. Li et al., J. Alloys and Comp., 611 (2014) 167-170 .
  8. Synthesis and characterization of highly textured Pt-Bi thin films
    X.-Z. Li et al., Philosophical Magazine, 91 (2011) 3406.
  9. Structure and magnetism of Co:CoO core-shell nanoclusters
    X.-Z. Li et al., Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 12 (2010) 789.
  10. Structural study of Mn-doped ZnO films by TEM
    X.-Z. Li et al., Solid State Communications, 141 (2007) 398.
  11. TEM study of crystalline structures of Cr-N thin films
    X.-Z. Li et al., Journal of Applied Crystallography, 37 (2004) 1010-1012.
  12. an application example in NanoScale 10 (2018) 13011–1302.
  13. an application example in Corrosion Science ( IF 4.862 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2018.08.036.